Vision statement of CCST Vancouver
Based on biblical truth, we provide relevant theological training to nurture God's servants to pass on ministry and mission, fulfilling Christ's commandment.
Mission statement of CCST Vancouver
To nurture God's servants and equip the laity.
Motto of CCST Vancouver
'And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.' 2 Tim.2:2 (NIV)
Latest Events
  • April 2024 Newsletter
  • Running the kingdom race together
  • Sports is my least gifted area all my life. I still remember that PE classes were such a nightmare to me. When Rev. Leung invited me to join the CCST Vancouver Run-for-Fund event last year, I said to him, “I ran very slow. I could only walk.” Oftentimes we think that we can only serve the Lord where our strengths and gifts lie but sometimes, we may be called to participate in something which we are not as confident in or feel like we do not have much we can contribute to. I think of the story of the widow offering her two “very small” copper coins (NIV) when I think about myself serving God by running, my least gifted area. Majority of our runners are not professional athletes. They join Run-for-Fund for the love of our school and for the desire to resource God’s kingdom ministry in a tangible way. Besides the runners we see, there are many who work behind the scene and support us with prayers. Run-for-Fund goes beyond the monetary figure we can raise. It is an expression of our commitment to run the Kingdom race, to be faithful to God’s call for CCST Vancouver to equip the saints for His service. Would you consider joining us and supporting us in this race?
  • The annual Run for Fund event will take place on Thursday, June 6th this year. Runners will finish either a 5km or half marathon route on the day. The fundraising goal this year is $200,000, specifically for the needs of the upcoming year's development, including increasing faculty seats, enhancing classroom equipment, adding electronic library resources, and developing new courses that are more relevant to the church. Currently, we are recruiting runners, and students, alumni, or faculty who are interested in participating in the run are welcome to contact us ( If you are willing to be part of us and support our dedication to the development of theological education, please visit our donation webpage donation. If any brothers or sisters are willing to make a matching donation for this fundraising run, please contact me directly ( Thank you!
  • Emiko 同學於本校一月份修讀由鄭彼得牧師(前右二)教授的「基督教祈禱學」課堂, 與一眾同學學習享受「主恩的滋味」, 筆著特別感謝鄭彼得(牧師)老師盡心的教導。
  • Emiko
    感謝上帝的恩典,在「基督教祈禱學」課堂學習一段時間, 我更多了解明白祈禱的意義,原來在禱告中,有上帝那麼多的應許和盟約。在祈禱中能感受到那種與主相遇的喜樂和真實。祈禱也是一種與父神團契的生活,可以藉著聖靈的能力來操練學習聖子的樣子…
* This announcement is only available in Chinese
  • 以下是2024年春季回到校園的安排, 請細閱!
    • 使用校內提供的酒精消毒液及洗手液經常洗手。
    • 身體不適時,特別身體有感冒症狀時,請留在家中休息。
    • 注意及遵守學校所有衛生指引的通告,也多加留意本校張貼在校園內的各種衛生安全海報。
    學校範圍車位有限, 如同學 double park, 車輛停泊時擋著其他車輛, 請放一張寫上你的名字和電話的小紙條, 以方便有需要時聯絡你。
  • 2024年加神溫哥華活動備忘(詳情容後公佈)
    日期: 二月十七日(星期六)
    時間: 上午九時至中午十二時
    地點: 8971 Beckwith Road (只設實體)
    講題: 時間與空間的屬靈維度
    講員: 李錦綸牧師/博士
    日期: 四月十八日(星期四)
    時間: 晚上七時至九時半
    地點: 8971 Beckwith Road
    日期: 六月一日(星期六)
    時間: 下午二時至四時半
    地點: 本立比宣道會(8611 Armstrong Ave, Burnaby)
    跑步籌款 Run for Fund
    日期: 六月六日(星期四)
    時間: 上午八時
    地點: 列治文
    日期: 八月二十二日至二十四日(星期四至星期六)
    時間: 二十二日下午三時至二十四日下午二時
    地點: 35235 Straiton Rd, Abbotsford
  • 謝謝各位!