
D.Min Courses Offered in the Past

Course Title
Course Title
DM940 The Leader as Pastoral Counsellor: Marriage and Family Counselling from Biblical and Pastoral Perspectives
Dr. Tim Ngai
Course Title
DM939 The Leader as Theologian: The Theological Thoughts of Karl Barth in Church Ministry
Rev. Dr. Paul Wang
Course Title
DM941 The Leader as Shepherd: Pastoral Ethics
Rev. Dr. Ip King Tak
Course Title
DM901 The Leader as Scholar: Research Methods and Methodology
Rev. Dr. Anthony Chow
Course Title
DM925 The Leader as Spiritual Director: Spiritual formation and leadership
Rev. Dr .Ivan Leung
Course Title
Course Title
DM927 The Leader as Educator: Christian Education and Leadership
Rev. Dr. Anthony Chow
Course Title
DM921 The Leader as Strategic Planner: Organizational Development and Planning
Dr. Enoch Wong
Course Title
DM901 The Leader as Scholar: Research Methods and Methodology
Rev. Dr. Anthony Chow
Course Title
Course Title
DM911 Theology and Ministry Integration
Rev. Dr. Peter Au
Course Title
DM921 Organizational Development and Planning
Dr. Enoch Wong
Course Title
DM904 Ministry Research Thesis
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam
Course Title
DM922 Church Conflict Management
Rev. Dr. David Chan
Course Title
DM913 New Testament and Ministry Integration
Dr. Archie Hui
Course Title
Course Title
DM902 Ministry Research Proposal
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam
Course Title
DM912 Old Testament and Ministry Integration
Rev. Dr. Paul Tsai
Course Title
DM932 Preaching Biblical Narratives
Rev. Dr. Samuel Ho
Course Title
DM923 Coaching, Equipping and Team-Building
Rev. Dr. Patrick So
Course Title
DM936 Preaching Wisdom, Poetic and Prophetic Literature
Rev. Dr. Paul Wang
Course Title
DM914 Chinese Culture and Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Dr. Edwin Lee
Course Title
DM903 Ministry Research Project
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam
Course Title
Course Title
DM921 Organizational Development and Planning
Dr. Enoch Wong
Course Title
DM924 Preaching and Leading
Rev. Dr. Jason Yeung
Course Title
DM904 Ministry Research Thesis
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam
Course Title
DM925 Leadership and Spiritual Formation
Rev. Dr. Ivan Leung
Course Title
DM901 The Leader as Scholar: Research Methods and Methodology
Rev. Dr Anthony Chow
Course Title
DM931 Practical Hermeneutics and Preaching
Rev. Dr. Johann Lai
Course Title
Course Title
DM902 Ministry Research Proposal
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam
Course Title
DM911 Theology and Ministry Integration
Rev. Dr. Peter Au
Course Title
DM903 Ministry Research Project
Rev. Dr. Francis Tam
Course Title
DM913 New Testament and Ministry Integration
Rev. Dr. Rocky Fong
Course Title
Course Title
DM914 Chinese Culture and Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Dr. Jason Yeung
Course Title
DM901 Research Methods and Methodology
Rev. Dr Anthony Chow

Courses of Diploma and Master Program

Biblical Studies
Introduction to Biblical Studies
3 credits
This course is a study of central methods and interpretative principles involved in discerning the meaning of the biblical text. Topics covered include essential steps in interpreting the Bible, the variety of methods and approaches available to the contemporary student of Scripture, historical and theological issues arising out of the interpretative task, the relationship between the Testaments, word studies and literary genre. Students learn to use the standard tools of advanced biblical research.
New Testament Theology
3 credits
A study of the background contents of the New Testament with a view to placing the books in their historical setting. An introduction to critical methodology, New Testament theology and the contents of representative books.
The New Testament World
3 credits
Through the studies of literary sources and archaeological discoveries, this course provides an overview on the history, culture, religion and literature of the Jewish/ Judaean people from the Maccabean Revolt until the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. The works of Josephus and Philo, Apocrypha, the Pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Rabbinic literature will be discussed. There will also be an interest in the differences among different Jewish/ Judaean groups, as well as the development of apocalypticism and Rabbinic Judaism.
The Epistles of Paul
3 credits
This course attempts to help the students to come to grips with the genre, form, background and content of the Pauline Epistles. Paul is one of three main authors of the New Testament. It is important for us to pay attention as to how he dealt with the challenges of his contemporary world (such as external persecutions, internal heresies, social currents, church divisions, and strife and fights).
The Gospel of Matthew
3 credits
A study of the Gospel of Matthew on the basis of the Chinese/English text. The literary structure and characteristics, the portrayal of Jesus, and the Gospel's distinctive themes are discussed.
Recommended courses prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies and NEWT05 New Testament Theology
Epistle to the Galatians
3 credits
An examination of Paul's fiery letter to those struggling with what it meant for one to be a member of God's people in Christ. The class studies historical, cultural and literary backgrounds and recent scholarship on the letter and attempts to integrate Paul's first century commands with 21st century practice.
Recommended courses prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies and NEWT05 New Testament Theology
Book of Romans
3 credits
Paul's Letter to the Romans is the greatest single exposition of Christian faith and mission ever written. Perhaps more than any other book of the Bible, Romans has been at the heart of Christian theology and has served as a catalyst for spiritual revival and reformation throughout the history of the Church. Moreover, the book of Romans has inspired such figures as Augustine, Luther, and Barth to reexamine their personal faith as well as the faith of the Church as a whole. Consequently, this book is most valuable for in-depth study and faithful teaching. Needless to say, the message written by Paul so long ago continues to speak to the hearts of believers throughout generations. This course is an interpretive (exegetical, structural, social, theological and pastoral) study of Paul's letters to the Roman believers. Students will go through a detailed exposition with its contemporary application and missional motifs. Course readings will be coordinated with the weekly lectures and specially assigned topics for debates and discussions.
Recommended courses prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies and NEWT05 New Testament Theology
The Book of Revelation
3 credits
This course introduces the genre, structure, content and message of the Book of Revelation. One of the key themes is victory in conquest so in a way, the book provides us with the path of victory in the Christian's spiritual warfare.
Recommended courses prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies and NEWT05 New Testament Theology
Old Testament Theology
3 credits
This course is designed to provide student with a general introduction to the historical, sociological and religious world in which the Old Testament was produced. It also discusses the discipline of Old Testament Theology and major theological themes of the Old Testament.
The Book of Psalms
3 credits
Introduction to the theology and message of the Psalms through the study of the specific genres. In addition to the study of representative Psalms, the course focuses on the interpretation of the imprecatory Psalms and Messianic Psalms.
Recommended course(s) prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies & OLDT02 Old Testament Theology
The Book of Isaiah
3 credits
An overview of the message of Isaiah with special emphases on the call of the prophet, the messianic passages, the concept of the remnant, the prophet's teaching on social justice, the servant passages, and the question of the authorship of chapters 40 to 66.
Recommended courses prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies and OLDT02 Old Testament Theology
Book of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
3 credits
This course provides an overview of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in light of their historical and literary settings. Students will exegete passages, exploring their theological themes and literary features. They will acquire an understanding of the role and importance of prophecy in the post-exilic period. Special emphasis will be placed on how the books reflect the role of God among his people in the historical period characterized by destruction, exile, return, and restoration.
The Book of Genesis
3 credits
An overview of the message of Genesis with special emphases on the creation account, the six genealogies, the five extended narratives of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph, the literary structure of the book, the research on authorship and redaction history, and the paradigm shift in Pentateuchal criticism.
Recommended courses prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies and OLDT02 Old Testament Theology
The Book of Deuteronomy
3 credits
The focus of this course is the study of the content, difficult issues and theology of Deuteronomy, along with a brief introduction of the Pentateuch
Recommended courses prior to taking this course: BIBL01 Introduction to Biblical Studies and OLDT02 Old Testament Theology
The Book of Ezekiel
3 credits
This course will provide an overview of the messages of Ezekiel in light of its theological, historical and literary settings. Students will acquire knowledge of the role of prophecy in the time of a national disaster, in which the Kingdom of Judah, Jerusalem, and its Temple underwent God's judgment at the hands of the Babylonians. Emphasis will be placed on God's revelation to Ezekiel and the Judaeans in Babylonian captivity. Students will exegete passages of the book and identify its major themes and literary forms.
Biblical Languages
Elementary Greek I
3 credits
This is an intensive introduction to the fundamentals of Greek for the study of the New Testament. Intended for M.Div. and other theological students who wish to move quickly into the study of the Bible in its original languages.
Elementary Greek II
3 credits
A continuation of NEWT10 Elementary Greek I to further study the fundamentals of Greek for the study of the New Testament. Intended for M.Div. and other theological students who wish to move quickly into the study of the Bible in its original languages.
Prerequisite: NEWT10 Elementary Greek I
Greek Exegesis I
3 credits
A continuation of Greek Grammar to the practice of Greek syntax and exegesis with a view to equipping students with a methodology for dealing with the study of the New Testament text. A study of textual criticism is included.
Prerequisite: NEWT11 Elementary Greek II
Greek Exegesis II
3 credits
A continuation of Greek Grammar to the practice of Greek syntax and exegesis with a view to equipping the student with a methodology for dealing with the study of the New Testament text. A study of textual criticism is included. A New Testament book will be selected for applying the principles learned.
Prerequisite: NEWT11 Elementary Greek II
Hebrew Grammar I
3 credits
An introduction to the basic principles of biblical Hebrew with emphasis on morphology, phonology and syntax including some reading of selected portions of the Hebrew Old Testament.
Hebrew Grammar II
3 credits
A continuation of OLDT22 Hebrew Grammar I to learn the basic principles of biblical Hebrew with emphasis on morphology, phonology and syntax including some reading of selected portions of the Hebrew Old Testament.
Prerequisite: OLDT22 Hebrew Grammar I
Theology and History
Christianity and Chinese Culture
3 credits
This course surveys the history, development and characteristics of Chinese culture- in comparison to that of Christian faith in light of their theology, anthropology and worldview. It also explores the possibility of a dialogue between the two traditions. Building on an interplay of diachronic (historical) and synchronical (thematic) approaches, it explores the relationship and integration of Christianity and Chinese cultural. Special emphasis is put on the application on apologetic evangelism, pastoral ministries, missiological considerations, and theological contextualization.
Chinese Church History and Theology
3 credits
This is a brief survey of the development of the Christian church in China, from the Nestorians to the present, with emphasis on 19th and 20th century Chinese church developments up to 1949. Issues in Chinese Church history will be discussed in light of evangelical theology. This course will include a survey of the major religious trends in traditional Chinese society (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Chinese animism, Communism and the newly arisen so-called 'Neo-Confucianism') which will be given as background. Emphasis will be put on a critical examination of major theological developments and theologians emerging in the Chinese Church in the 20th century, both beyond the evangelical circle.
History of Christianity I
3 credits
This course is a survey of the history of Christianity from the earliest days of the Church through the first phase of the Reformation. It examines the main currents of spirituality, theology, missions, worship, organization, and the church's relationship with the culture of each particular era as it is being addressed. The student is exposed to some of the most formative figures in the story of the Church through the reading of a variety of classic Christian writings. This interaction with the past is designed to help students understand the breadth and richness of their faith. It also helps them be more aware of the struggles that their forebearers have faced, with greater and lesser degrees of success. Through the readings, students are drawn into and asked to engage these same issues.
History of Christianity II
3 credits
This course surveys the history of Christianity from the time of the Reformation to the 20th century. It explores the new currents in spirituality, theology, missions, worship, organization, and interaction with society that emerged out of the Reformation. Through the reading of key primary documents from different traditions, students are challenged to broaden their understandings of each of these themes. This interaction with the Christian story as the Church faced the dramatic cultural changes of the last centuries also helps the student wrestle with the complexities of faith in this increasingly fluid world.
Recommended: Study History of Christianity I before taking this course.
History and Theologians of China
3 credits
The objective of this course is to take a survey of history and theologians of the modern Chinese Church. This course will deal with the problems of the social impact, church orders and the policy of the foreign mission boards towards the establishment of the Church. The focus is discussing how the Gospel was spread to the Chinese people. Students will learn how to respond biblically to critical historical, theological, cultural and social issues of the Chinese Church. The course mainly deals with the period between 1800-2010, divided into three sections: the late Ch'ing dynasty, the Republic of China, and the People's Republic of China.
Systematic Theology I
3 credits
An introduction to the systematic study of Christian doctrine according to the evangelical tradition. Topics covered include the prolegomena, revelation and Holy Scripture, the doctrine of God, creation, humanity and sin.
Systematic Theology II
3 credits
This is the continuation of Systematic Theology I. Topics covered include the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of salvation, ecclesiology and eschatology.
Prerequisite: THEO13 Systematic Theology I
Christian Ethics
3 credits
An introduction to philosophical, Biblical and theological bases for personal and social morality, and to the process of moral decision-making. Attention is also given to selected contemporary issues in ethics.
Pastoral Ministry
Pastoral Theology
3 credits
This course focus on the pastoral ministry by means of theological reflection on this area. Aspects of congregational care and ministry through ritual are explored as well. Students will examine ministry from church to community, including the impact of post-modern culture.
Orientation to Church Ministry
3 credits
This course will guide students to an understanding of what church ministry is. Emphasis will be given to the nature and theology of pastoral ministry with emphasis on the role of the pastor. Attention is given to the minister's spiritual leadership as well as the practical aspects of the pastoral ministry such as the preparation for preaching and worship, administration, baptism, communion, home-visitation, funeral, wedding and other pastoral care ministries.
Evangelism and Church Planting in the Chinese Community
3 credits
This course prepares students for evangelism and missions ministry. Different methods of evangelism to reach the Chinese in North America will be studied, with a goal to establish a new church. The matter of how to bring the Chinese from Mainland China (immigrants or scholars) who are in North America to Christ will also be dealt with. Technicality and theories of church planting will be analyzed and evaluated. Case studies may be conducted.
Church Music and Worship in the Chinese Church
3 credits
This course is designed for those who are called to serve in the area of music and worship ministry. This course will equip students with essential and functional knowledge of the subjects through providing biblical and theological foundations for worship, training skills for developing and leading congregational signing, teaching principles in planning worship services, and developing interpersonal skills for working with musicians in churches.
Christians in the Marketplace
3 credits
This course seeks to provide a biblical, theological reading and understanding of the marketplace as a context for kingdom impact and ministries. Particular attention will be given to the theologies of marketplace, work, calling, and worker. It also examines the main currents of spirituality, ethics, missions that shape the prospect of ministry, and seeks to address the many struggles Christians are facing in the marketplace for effective pastoring.
Expository Preaching
3 credits
This course teaches the basic principles of 'bridging' what the Biblical text meant to what it means today, especially in the Chinese cultural context. This includes teaching the practical steps by which to develop the constituent parts of a sermon's content. Consideration is also given to the important principles of effective delivery of the sermon. Opportunities are provided for each student to practice the principles and skills taught.
Building a Healthy Chinese Christian Family
3 credits
This course will provide proven tools and resources to build healthy Chinese Christian couple and family relationships, utilizing a psychoeducational framework that can be applied to Christian education, cell groups, fellowships, lay counselling, growth groups, pastoral, and professional counselling. Students will be introduced to resources that are biblically and scientifically based and proven effective. Strategies and tools will be provided to help students help themselves and their church members build healthy couple and family relationships. There will also be an emphasis on personal growth and development involving increasing self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and relationship management. Framework, strategies, and skills for working with individuals will be covered in the course on pastoral counselling. A variety of teaching methods will be used. In addition to lectures, case studies, demonstrations, role plays, and group presentations, students will also learn from self-reflection and field practice in dyads and triads. There will be ample opportunities for interactions, hands-on experience and feedback.
Introduction to Counseling
3 credits
This course provides students with a basic understanding of the field of pastoral counseling. It does not intend to produce professional 'pastoral counselors', but to prepare students to be more effective in counseling as a pastor or lay leader. Essential elements of pastoral counseling are covered. Different practical areas that a pastor would encounter in the ministry within the Chinese church setting are expected.
Issues, Strategies and Direction in North American Chinese Churches
3 credits
This course prepares students to anticipate and take up the challenges of the future. A variety of ministry issues related to the future development of the Chinese Church are covered. Strategies for effective Chinese Church growth in a North America context are examined. Ministry directions for the North American Chinese churches in the 21st century are investigated and proposed from a biblical, cultural, contextual and practical perspective.
Recommended course prior to taking this course: LEAD20 Pastoral Ministry and Leadership
Christian Education in the Chinese Church
3 credits
Concepts of adult spiritual formation and discipleship will be examined. Educational theories will be critically explored. Models and methods of Christian education will be studied and applied to Chinese churches, student field assignments and reports will be included.
Advanced Chinese Preaching
3 credits
This course covers advanced topics on preaching as well as a wide variety of texts and purposes. The Chinese Bible is used in the practicum.
Prerequisite: CHIN21 Expository Preaching
Pastoral Ministry and Leadership
3 credits
The purpose of this course is to explore contemporary leadership theories and provide biblical leadership concepts for the Chinese Church. Other than profiling the developmental process of a spiritual leader. This course also guides students to engage in effective church leadership through strategic ministry planning. Students will learn how to appreciate various leadership styles and be able to serve both as a team leader and a team player. The course project is practical and applicable to existing church ministries.
Spiritual Formation and Development
3 credits
This course will provide students with a personal spiritual growth experience through 1) a theological understanding of the essentials of spiritual formation 2) exploring major traditions of the Christian discipline 3) active participation in the life of Christ, even in suffering, so that one is being formed into the image of Christ. The Sermons of the Mount and Mission (Matthew 5 - 10) will be the foundational Biblical text for the study. The discipline of spiritual formation and the direction it can bring to the body of Christ today will also be considered.
Christians and Prayer
3 credits
Churches want Christians to pray, but do we teach them how to pray? Pastors may be teaching Christians how to pray, but can we also pray with them? From a pastoral perspective, this course builds the biblical, theological and historical foundations of prayerology. This course also explores the relationship of prayer with spiritual discernment, spiritual direction, Christian missions, spiritual warfare, church revival, urban ministry and spiritual disciplines. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge of these 10 topics so they can design and lead church prayer ministry.
Introduction to Missions
3 credits
This course is an introductory study of the theory and practice of Christian missions. It is intended to explore the biblical and theological basic of missions, the missionary movement in history, the relationship with culture, and various strategic principles and practices. Current missiological issues will also be addressed.


Theology English
3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to important concepts and terminology used in theological writing, help them expand their theological vocabulary, be familiarized with grammatical structures, and acquire some key reading skills through extensive reading.


6 credits
Correlated with classroom lessons, students are required to complete six credits of Internship Studies which includes one classroom instruction credit (12 hours) and five field education credits (500 hours). The ongoing involvement in a pastoral related Chinese church/para-church/mission setting provides students with direct pastoral experience under the supervision of an experienced pastor, professional or missionary. It is anticipated that this practical experience, along with the wisdom and expertise of the supervisors will further enhance the growth and development of students, personally and professionally. INTN01 is comprised of three credits (Part 1, 2 & 3) including one classroom instruction credit (12 hours) and two field education credits (200 hours). INTN02 is comprised of three credits (Part 4, 5 & 6) including three field education credits (300 hours). Students may choose to intern in a mission field.